I was born twenty nine years ago in a family of diametrically opposite origins, which was able to balance the aristocratic and proletarian aspect of their education, teaching me the value of the difference as means to catch the own essence. I was grown up in the sobriety of the traditions, although i have been drinking wine since when i was 10 years old; i have been educated in freedom, although they never had teaching me exactly what it is; I grown up in the provincialism of a little town of Levante Ligure, which little by little has become too narrow, towards whom anyway i m still very attached, and hard it seems renounce to it. I studied what there was to study and i continue to consider the studies more as a pleasure than a job or a duty. I spent part of my life searching for a sense, maybe "the sense", filling white pages with words, setting my eye on tons of pages not anymore vergin. I moved then my research into verticality, and mountains became the place of my experimentation, till the day i exaggerate too much pushing the boat out or simply i couldn t handle anymore my fears. So i tryed to readapt and convert the tension of verticality into somethingh similar, which anyway could be font of stimulus and contact with my fears, and without not even many efforts, i found it by chance under my shoes, or maybe, we better should to say, i always bring it inside me.Then "the verticality"is gone slowly transforming it self taking shape in a horizontal dimension, materializing in the travel as instrument of knowledge and of forcing of own limits. "The one-dimensional travel", or rather make the travelling own work, still remain a dream, but also a valid reason to take a crack at.
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMOoRT-0fv4&feature=share
- http://www.tvcom-tv.ru/news/detail.php?ELEMENT_ID=17723
- http://news.chita.ru/41757/
- http://gazeta-n1.ru/blogs/badmaev/16921/
- http://www.viaggiaredasoli.net/in-autostop-per-la-strada-delle-ossa-un-viaggio- al-confine-con-la-morte/
- http://www.zenitmagazine.it/articolo.php?id=946
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