The project number one born with idea of:
1) Show to the Wester world what is really Ruusia and aboveall the Far East, a territory big as Europe, but with less than two million of habitants.
2) Highlight the drammatic genocide which is taking place for 50 years in the region of Chelyabinski without that none knows anyhtingh about it covered by the silent of the russian government. Actually this region is the most contamined of the planet after that in the 1951 took place the biggest ecological disaster that history never had (10 times bigger than Chernobyl). Today the 78% of population born with genetic malformations due to high exposition to the radiations.
3) Since Russians has very little trust between themself and they fear eachothers,i want demonstrate that RUSSIANS can trust eachothers and consider themself a people with a big heart, if a foreigner without know russian language can cover more than 15.000km by autoststop sleeping a thome of people whom even doesnt know, met by chance on the street or in internet.
4) Shine a light on mystrious state-nostate of Transinistr, on the border between Ucrain and Moldova, considered the black hole of Europe, a buffer state from which pass all army and drugs illegal traffic from Est to West.
5) Demostrate to Westerners that is still possible travel in a original way although the high technologization of our time.
The route Magadan- Costanza, consist in the covering 15.000km through five countries (Russia,Ucraina, Transinistria, Moldova, Romania) only by hitch-hiking, starting with the Road of Bones, that is the only road that exists for 4000km and connects the extream Far North-East of Russia with the souther part along the famous Transiberian.Then continue on the same Transiberian's road toward west, till the European Russia part. One time arrived near Kazan the route 'll divert toward south-west in the direction of the Black Sea, passing through the famous Stalingrado. Lastly it 'll continue along the seaside cost till Odessa where it 'll divert toward north in the direction firstly of the "black hole of Europe", that is the Transinistr, and afterwards the Moldova with his capital Chisinau. The road 'll end in Romania near the sea-city of Costanza.
The first 5000km are the most dangerous and wild of all route with the exception of the short part long the crossing of Transinistr, home of most of the criminals of Ex-Urss. Except the city of Magadan ad Yakutsk, In the region of Magadan and in Yakuzia we are out of civilization. The territory is big as Italy but with only 100.000 habitants, inlused many abbandoned cities, now called ghost cities. It is usually covered for 8 month for year by snow and who lives there is used to drink vodka as water, with a shotgun always handy to chase off the boredom due to winters with 50 degree below zero and only 3hours of light for day. During this first part, the Azzurro 'll try also to arrive in the village of Oymiakon, sadly famous to hold the record of coldest temperature (-72 C) registred in an urban settlement.
The route can be divided in seven parts:
2) Yakutsk-Chita (3000km, medium-high difficulty)
3) Chita'-Kransojarsk (3000km, medium difficulty)
4) Kransojarsk-Kyzyl-Novosibirsk(2000km, high difficulty)
5) Novosibirsk-Kazan (2000km, medium-low difficulty)
6) Kazan-Tiraspol(2600km, low difficulty
7) Tiraspol-Costanza (400km, medium-high difficulty)
Road of Bones |
The road of Bones (also called the road of Gulag, or road to the hell), long around 2000km, connects the siberian cities of Magadan, on the Okhotsk's sea, close to Kamchatka and Jakutsk, capital of Jacuzia's region. The gloomy nick name come from some leggends which says that the pave of road it wa smade of a mixing of soil, grael and human bones of the prisoners dead during the construction of the same road. In according with the more probabilistic estimate, it was calculated that for each metre of the road it 'd have been a dead body.
Workers on the road |
Daniele Robino,
Dimitri Kieffer,
Roman Giger
Road od Bones |
Built during the deportation of the prisoners in the '30-'50, the road today is in very bad conditions due to the absence of maintenange cuased by the collapse of the sovietic system, Besides, the hard climate conditions (-70 in winter +30 summer) are cause of deep cracks in the pave, of broken bridges, costant changing of the path of the road due to the strong overflowing of the rivers during the fast summer period.
One of the many bridges along the Road of Bones |
In according with what is written in Wikipedia, an independent travel is serious adventure, with the very real possibility of death. The area is essentially lawless, undeveloped, barely populated, and unbelievably remote. Just getting to either terminus at Magadan or Yakutsk is an adventure in itself - travelling along the road makes this look like buying a bus fare in comparison. Every year dozens of people die in the region from drowning, freezing, car accidents, starvation, tick-borne encephalitis, alcohol poisoning, fires, crime, wild animals, or just disappear. While travellers in the region are rewarded with nature, adventure, and so on, there is none of the safety net that accompanies nearly every other area that people travel, such as health care, consular support, English speakers, law enforcement, telecoms, etc. Russian is the only language that will be encountered here. Some basics, enthusiasm, and a dictionary are a must. Basic food can be purchased from truck stops every 200km or so. Most towns have a grocery store. Available drinks along the route include vodka from stills or water from fresh mountain streams.
3000km of mud |
Road of Bones |
The second part of the travel , Yakutsk-Chita, consist in 3000km whihc separate Yakutsk from the city of Chita along the highway M55 e M56. Although the number of habitants drastically plummets to 0,31 hb./km² , and it is considered one of the region with the highest rate of deliquency and alchoolis, little by little going toward the south in the direction of China, the road become more "human" and driveable with better possibilities to find alift. Anyway the difficulties are uncountable and the main risk come from the country-populations long the road.
Highway to Chita |
Baikal lake |
The third part of the travel, Chita'-Kransojarsk, are 3000km around the territory of Baikal lake. Here is possible start to speak about real roads, although they are not paved yet.
Highway to Irkutsk |
The enviroment is extremly beautiful and wilde at the same time, neverthless there not miss cities of over one milion of people and turistic zones as that close the mysterious Baikal lake.t
Baikal lake |
Altaj |
Shamano |
The poplulation is still in part half-nomad and speaks the tuvan language, a language of turkish-mongol origin. Beyond the little town of Kyzyl, last outpost of urban civilization , there 'll be 300km of nothing: a simple path no paved which crosses the Altaj reachingh pass over 2000mt, with night temperature below the zero also in the middle of the summer.
Typipical landescape of Tuva's region |
The fifth part includes the central part of Siberian and the zone of Ural. The Novosibirsk-Kazan is around 2000km, and it should be quite easy. Afet Irkutsk , not only the road are paved, but also the number of tracks is high. The main danger come form the ticks, carrying of Encephalitis ( Although is my intention visit the cities of Perm, Ekaterimburg, Kazan, Omsk, i 'll try to reach one of the zone more inaccessible of all Russia, whom is definited the place more contaminated of the world, and it has p[alce in the zone of Ural close to Kazakistan, in the province of Chelyabinsk. These cities even not appeared in the geografich map and still few years ago it was forbidden travel from and to these palces. Besides , only from 1991 is given the possibility to foreigners to enter in this secret zone. We are speaking about Chelyabinsk-40, 15km from Kyshtym. Chelyabinsk-40 è better well-know as Mayak. It was built in the 1945. All the zone connected with Mayak it considered one of more contaminted zones of the planet. For at lsit 6 years, till the 1951, tons of nuclear waste were systematically released by the nuclear central of Mayak in the river of Techa, the only one water font for 24 cities among the river, exposing more than 100.000 peopel to the radiations. The biggest four villages were never evacuated and only recently, after 35 years of siulent, the autority has revealed the reason for whom they have forbidden the access to river with a net of barbed wire.
In the 1992, the department of Biophisic of the Ministry of Health has compiled a report in whom they has declared that the 30% of the children born with defects and genetic malformations, diseases of nervous sysitem or to the earth. Beside over 50% of men and women are sterile. The region of Chelyabinsk, with 32 milioni of habitants, has more than one millionand half of person hitted by radiactions.
Muslyumovo is one of the villages hitted and never evacuated: the water is so much contamined that also fishes are vanished. The level of radiaction is around 80 times more the quantitay tolerable of human being. All the village around Mayak are in the first positions in the rank of use of narcotic. Drugs are sold also on the working places. Cities as
Muslyumovo continue to be "closed cities", and since is forbidden to the population leaves their zone, the habitants are forced to live and to die in places as these. Also the prohibition of fishing in the river, the picking up of mushrooms, the grazing of the cows is not taken in consideration by the people, since they can not work and the state give them a salory of only 10 eur for day. I leave you with these words, said by a teacher of Muslyumovo: "None doesnt know anything about us. There was Chernobyl, but there is Europe. The radiactions reached Europe and all the world was informed. But we are in the middle of forest of Siberia, and none know anythingh about us, none is intererested in the destiny which has closed our lives in thisplace"
In the 1992, the department of Biophisic of the Ministry of Health has compiled a report in whom they has declared that the 30% of the children born with defects and genetic malformations, diseases of nervous sysitem or to the earth. Beside over 50% of men and women are sterile. The region of Chelyabinsk, with 32 milioni of habitants, has more than one millionand half of person hitted by radiactions.
Muslyumovo is one of the villages hitted and never evacuated: the water is so much contamined that also fishes are vanished. The level of radiaction is around 80 times more the quantitay tolerable of human being. All the village around Mayak are in the first positions in the rank of use of narcotic. Drugs are sold also on the working places. Cities as
Muslyumovo continue to be "closed cities", and since is forbidden to the population leaves their zone, the habitants are forced to live and to die in places as these. Also the prohibition of fishing in the river, the picking up of mushrooms, the grazing of the cows is not taken in consideration by the people, since they can not work and the state give them a salory of only 10 eur for day. I leave you with these words, said by a teacher of Muslyumovo: "None doesnt know anything about us. There was Chernobyl, but there is Europe. The radiactions reached Europe and all the world was informed. But we are in the middle of forest of Siberia, and none know anythingh about us, none is intererested in the destiny which has closed our lives in thisplace"
Farida Shaimardanova, teacher of Muslyumovo.
The sixth part, from Kazan to Odessa 'll cross all region of the Don, the town of Satalingrado, Samara, Rostok on Don, till reach the southeast cost of black sea, in the direction of Odessa with his famous stairs.
Black Sea |
Transinistria |
The seven part, from Odessa to Costanza, around 600km include the crossing of the border with the mystrious Transinistr, last sovietic bastion still alive. A state inside the state of the Moldov,a which one is recnognized only from Russia and it rappresents the road of all illegal traffic of army, sigarettes and drugs between Russia and East Europe. ( A big black hole, in this way is called from politologies this place where hard is enter from south border and harder is get out one time you are inside since they apply you a stamp on your visa whom is not recnognized by Moldova, so that you ll seem enter in Moldova from Ukraina without any stamps of exit from Ukrain, since between Ukrain and Transinist there are no check-in. From the capital of Transisnistr i, Tiraspol, i 'll try to move to and get out of it toward Chisinau , capital of Moldova. Lastly the idea is cross the border with Europe reaching Romania from the city of Iasi and direct to the cost to the city of Costanza, where it 'll end the voyage after around 15.600km of autostop.
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