The project Seven Stars includes seven routes, which has each one a special own story, which has rappresented a mith in the collective immaginary. It is  a long-term progect made by seven little projects which rappresents a road become famous thanks to the  explorers of the past. The seeming target of this  project is unite alla continents through a route of 360.000km which bring the spetactors "inside", in contact with the coltures and the traditions of the populations more different. 

From another hand, the project wants unite as much as possible all people of the world with an immaginary red line through 128 countries and 360.000km and bring that hope and optimism that we all need to belive in the possibility to change this world in better, since human being is often more able to remember the negative experience than one positive. We need to example that is possible,since believe in ourself is always more hard in this society. 

Neverthless i think that the most important reason, is reduce the distance between peoele with different colture, traditions and religion, which the globalization, combined with the financial capitalism, has paradoxally increased since the base point of this policy and main ruler is money and not love.

At the same time i want revive and relaborate differently a way to travel lost in '70 based with the target to balance and interprete in according a moder version "past and present", considered here as two distinct ways to interprete travelling. From one side, the great exploration of the past which made famous characters as Magellano, Colombo, Polo. From another side, those one hipertechnologized made by the modern sportive men in the simply research of the body limits, passing throug the Beat generation, which with his van Wolkswagen Type 2 and the hitch-hicking has written some of more fascinating pages of history.

Mr Blue 'll try to interprete, relaborate and renovate such contrast  with his original way to be, accepting the use of technology where it could be a factor of crativity and of
comunication sui generis 
without anyway let that this technologization could entail any facilitation in the moviments, in the GPS-traceability, and in the general outcome of the travel. 

The rules of the game are simple: hitch hicking is the only form of moviment accepted apart bike or kanoa. Regarding the sleepping  is forbidden sleep in any place where is requested to pay since it is against the philosophy of the Azzurro.
The target 'll not be the completation of the trip by force. The point is travelling, showing that although the high level of technologiy  and the paquet already pre-packed by travel agencies, the illimitat power of system of comunications and the means is still possible see the travelling as a great experience  "on the road", inter to the culture of the visited country. 

What is permitted:
Thanks to Couch Surfing and Hitch-hicking i tryed to bring in vogue a way to travel which  time by time is become less popular due to the development of the so-called last-miute travel, considered as short excursus from the daily work. Besides we should add to it the development and the spreading of a system of transports more capillary and efficient (low cost, rent car, agency of travel) which has stripped the travelling of that cathartic and mysterious part, replacing with a frenetic-planned "leaving, watching, coming back". 

The reasons: Lastly, maybe the most important, the paradox of globalization, that is the general spreading of the fear for "the Other" - for what is difference. A stressed fear cause the hypocrit and instrumental use of Media, which follows what make audience or what is more convenient for the government in that moment. The starting point of the Azzurro is that the pubblic in the last decade is become more foolish, regressing to very low levels following a kind of pre-packed TV show  valid almost for all the mass, as The Big Brother, The Island oof the famouses, The Family, where peopel can follow 24 hours watching other people closed into some specific palce or territory. 

The modality: Consequently if we dont want soccumb to such mediatic dictatur made of  childish language and contents, we need a radical changing. Neverthless, since we can not change such dominant model of comunication, the so-called "Facebookism", being a product of Mass already well-know and ingrained in the social fabric, we can use the same modality of comunication to reach a high number of audience, but at the same time with a simple trick, we produce a different product of comunication, a product created using the same "frame" inside whom give born a product based on quality and on culture, which creates curiosity into the people and desire of to know and change, of peace and love. 

The Seven Stars projects want be exactly that, both a way to link past and present if we think about the travelling's way, and a innovative way to create culture and produce quality utilizing the tipycal comunicative modality of  a product "of " Mass and "for" the Mass.  Auto-recording himself and posting his posts and video live broadcast, The Azzurro, chooses the way of realism tout court, bringing "his pubblic" into the voyage, on the front line with him, as we were in the backstage of  a film, with the only difference that in this case, nothingh is unreal. In this way the pubblic become partecipants to all intents and porpuoses, sharing the instants and the hardest and emotional moment of the Azzurro's voyage at the same time with him, following him day by day, without any tricks, movie's deceptions or troupe in Azzurro's  train, which could give the idea of something artificially built or just more  simple than how is in reality.

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